Summary-Grade 7
- CPU stand for Central Processing Unit
- ALU stand for Arimathic Logic Unit
- CU stand for Control Unit
- There 5 example of Device Unit Are: Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner,Touch Screen, Microphone
- ROM is abbreviation of Random Access Memory
- RAM is abbreviation of Random Access Memory
- Software program that control a piece of hardware is called Driver
- In Computers Keyboard is used for Input Data
- DOS is abbreviaton of Disk Operatyng System
- UPS is abbreviation of Uniterruptable Power Suply
- A deliberately harmful computer program designedto create annoying glitches or destroy data is called Virus.
- Read Only Memory that ca only be read from and not written to any is called ROM
- A small picture is represent a file program in GUI interface is called Icon
- A peripheral device use to connect one computer to another over a phone line is Called Modem
- A peripheral device to convert output from a computer into a printer is called Printer
- CD-ROM is called Compact Disk-Read Only Memory
- URL is abbreviation of Uniform ResourceLocator
- MB is abbreviation of Megabyte
- In Computer System Word BOOT is use for to start up computer
- A program use to view Word Web Wide pages, such as Internet Explorer , firefox, and chrome is Called Browser
- A device that reads and writes informations, including Operating System, program files, and data files is Hard Disk
- FAQ is abbreviation for Frequently Ask Question
- Central Processing Unit which Control otherElements of computer is called CPU
- A screen is software program that permits the user to view several programs at one time isa Called Window
- A collection computers that are connected Together is Called Network
- WWW stand for World Wide Web
- Proprietary operating system is a operating system only change by owner.
- Open Source operating system is operating system can change by everyone.
- ISP stand for Internet Service Provider.
- IP stand for Internet Protocol
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