Senin, 08 Agustus 2016

Summary-Grade 7

  1. CPU stand for Central Processing Unit
  2. ALU stand for Arimathic Logic Unit
  3. CU stand for Control Unit
  4. There 5 example of Device Unit Are: Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner,Touch Screen, Microphone
  5. ROM is abbreviation of Random Access Memory
  6. RAM is abbreviation  of Random Access Memory
  7. Software program that control  a piece of hardware is called Driver
  8. In Computers Keyboard is used for Input Data
  9. DOS is abbreviaton of Disk Operatyng System
  10. UPS is abbreviation of Uniterruptable Power Suply
  11. A deliberately harmful computer program designedto create annoying glitches or destroy data is called Virus.
  12. Read Only Memory that ca only be read from and not written to any is called ROM
  13. A small picture is represent  a file program in GUI interface is called Icon
  14. A peripheral device use to connect  one computer to another over a phone line is Called Modem
  15. A peripheral device to convert  output from a computer into a printer is called Printer
  16. CD-ROM is called Compact Disk-Read Only Memory
  17. URL is abbreviation of Uniform ResourceLocator
  18. MB is abbreviation of Megabyte
  19. In Computer System Word BOOT is use for to start up computer
  20. A program use to view Word Web Wide  pages, such as Internet Explorer , firefox, and chrome is Called Browser
  21. A device  that reads and writes informations, including Operating System, program files, and data files is Hard Disk
  22. FAQ is abbreviation for Frequently Ask Question
  23. Central Processing Unit which Control otherElements of computer is called CPU
  24.   A screen is software program that permits the user to view several programs at one time isa Called Window
  25. A collection computers that are connected Together is Called Network
  26. WWW stand for World Wide Web
  27. Proprietary operating system is a operating system only change by owner.
  28. Open Source operating system is operating system can change by everyone.
  29. ISP stand for Internet Service Provider.
  30. IP stand for Internet Protocol

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